Friday, March 6, 2009

13 Kids in a Candy Shop

In math this week we began to learn about “Tiny Tumblers”. Using Tiny Tumblers allows children to work individually on recording sets of partners for different numbers (1+5, 2+4, 3+3 are partners for 6). The children also created titles and prices for our Andy Warhol Art Gallery. Next week we will open up our gallery for buying and selling various pieces of Andy’s art.
During Reader’s Workshop the children are participating in a mock Caldecott election. This is an activity from one of my master’s classes that I thought the children would enjoy. Each week we are reading 5 picture books and the children are rating them based on the pictures and the story. After each book is read the children are responding to the book with specifics on what they enjoyed, did not enjoy about the story. We are also continuing to read the Andrew Lost series every morning from 8:30-8:45. Thank you to everyone who are getting their children to school on time to enjoy this!
During our Andy Warhol study we have been exploring Andy’s art. We practiced painting his cat Sam using the blotted line technique that he used in his early years. We also enjoyed watching some youtube videos about him doing things such as painting a BMW, being interviewed and using a computer to create a digital portrait of a popular celebrity.
Thank you to everyone for providing your child with $5 for the Powells Candy Shoppe. We had a wonderful time and it looks like we are going to have some very colorful canvases!

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