Today we went on our first field trip to Avenida de la Playa. The children went on their journey in groups of three with a gracious parent as their guide. On their walk they participated in a scavenger hunt and took photographs of nature, buildings, structures, community contributors and business along the way. Here are some of the things they observed:
It takes 5-1,008 steps to walk across the bridge (depending on how big your steps are).
There are 9-10 floors in Hotel La Jolla
The Children’s School has the same trees and bushes as Avenida de la Playa.
The Children’s School does not have palm trees or Birds of Paradise
We take La Jolla Shores Drive to get to Avenida de la Playa (and we pass the street Ethan lives on along the way).
There is a house/business/apartment/building/candy factory or room next to the La Jolla Shores Market.
It says “Aloha” on the step leading to La Jolla Kayak and the Kayaks are green.
We feel that Barbarella’s serves pancakes/waffles, Hawaiian food, Italian food, pasta, chicken fingers, pizza or cheese.
The map at Surf Diva’s leads to La Jolla shores beach or “a place to get a lesson on how to surf… probably near the ocean… or in the ocean.”
On the way to Ethan’s house we saw grey, red, blue, brown, white, green, pink(ish), red(ish), pinky and rainbow colored houses.
Throughout the tour the children also focused on finding things that help and hurt the environment. Some of the things that hurt the environment were litter, big cars, and people picking flowers. Some of the things that helped the environment were trees, bushes, dirt, grass and nature. As Anna put it “When you pick a flower it is like pulling the earths hair. The Earth doesn’t like it and it hurts.” ~Room 5 friends
A BIG thank you to Leslie, Rose, Soleil, Venke and Tricia for being our great tour guides. A special thank you to Tricia, Ethan, Evan and Roger for opening up their home to all of us for a wonderful lunch and play time!
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