What a wonderful few weeks we have had! The children have been busy going on field trips to Starbucks, Barbarella’s, La Jolla Shores Market, Surf Diva’s, La Jolla Kayak and Hotel La Jolla. We will be wrapping up our small group tours on Thursday with our last trip to the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club. While the small groups are on their tours of Avenida de la Playa the children on campus have been learning about jobs in the community, transportation and what we can do to take care of the environment around us.
Here are some reasons why kindergartners feel we have jobs:
“It is important to have a job so that people can get money so they can buy things, like clothes and food. Jobs help the community because if I was a veterinarian, I would help others by helping their animals. It is important so that their animals don’t die. Another important job, is a cowgirl. If cows were escaping the cowgirl brings them back in. That is important so they don’t escape so they won’t give milk. It is important for parents to have jobs so they can have money to buy us food.” M.E
“It is important to have a job so people are not very worried, because there is nothing to worry about. If there was an issue or problem and they need help, a person can help, a lawyer or a beauty maker. The beggars don’t have pretty clothes, they don’t have lipstick or anything. People with jobs can help them, beauty shop makers make women beautiful and men handsome. People want to dress however they want and beauty shop makers ask them what they want to look like and the person answers and the beauty shop maker makes their wish granted. People need to look good to go to parties. If there were no lawyers, people would fight all the time. People need to follow the rules, if no one followed rules it would be a mess. If no one followed the rules it would be a disaster, somebody would get hurt…. So that is why they needed lawyers.” A.R
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