Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pigs Picnics and Pinecone Turkeys

“Our morning question today was ‘Did your magic beanstalk grow? Yes or No.’ Mine kind of grew a tiny tiny sprout. During morning exploration I played with the sand and some whales and seals and dolphins and stuff. At morning job time I did my Fairytale Feedback about the Three Little Pigs. I liked it because it was fun. At Book Buddies my brother read me books. One was about knock knock jokes and another was a train book that I brought in. After recess we went to Spanish and I read books about snakes. I learned the words serpients, culebra and vibora. After Spanish I read ‘The Picnic’ with Jack and Lisa J. It was about a picnic and a mouse. After peaceful time we made pinecone turkeys for our Friendship Feast on Friday.” ~P.W.

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